Window Styles for Sugar Land TX

If you have old windows that let in drafts and chilly air, or ugly rotting frames that rob your home’s curb appeal, it may be time to replace them. Window replacements can boost your home’s value and save energy costs in Sugar Land, Texas.

Window Nation offers double-hung windows that let in fresh air and lower your cooling bills in Sugar Land’s hot climate. They also include a Low-E glass that reduces UV rays and heat in your home.


When it comes to the windows of your home, one of the most distinctive types is the arch. These protruding windows are a common feature in neo-Gothic and Victorian architecture, adding elegance to the exterior facade while creating a stunning vista inside. Today, modern arched sash windows are available with double-glazing for energy efficiency, which can cut your heating and cooling bills by up to 50%.

These unique window designs can also be installed as a transom above a standard rectangular window, adding a gorgeous accent to your home. They can even be combined with other architectural styles, such as a Palladian window or a Gothic arch, for a truly personalized look.

When you’re choosing window treatments for your arched or curved windows, look no further than Houston plantation shutters from Sunburst Shutters. The perfect fit for arches and curved windows, our Polywood shutters add timeless beauty to your home, in addition to unparalleled durability and energy efficiency. They’re crafted of solid furniture-grade teak wood and come in more than 28 custom stains to complement your space.


Hinged at the top and swinging outward, awning windows create a strong airflow while keeping rain, dust, and other debris out. This makes them the perfect addition to spaces that need ventilation, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

The best part is that they help you conserve energy, preventing your HVAC system from working overtime during the summer heat and cold. This allows you to save money while helping the environment and your local community.

These windows are built to withstand the Texas elements. They can withstand high winds, sudden weather changes, and dust storms. They’re also designed to blur the lines between indoor and outdoor entertaining areas. This creates a seamless transition and makes guests feel like they’re in their own home.

Discover the beauty and function of awning windows for your Sugar Land home. Schedule a design consultation to get started.


If you’re looking for a window style that delivers a combination of unobstructed views and ample natural light with the ability to open wide, choose casement windows. These versatile windows come in a variety of materials and design options that allow them to complement almost any architectural style.

These easy-to-operate windows open outward like doors, providing a large opening for optimal ventilation. Additionally, they are often constructed with double- or triple-pane glass, resulting in superior insulation that helps reduce your cooling costs during our hot Houston summers.

Window replacement is a significant investment, so it’s important to work with a company that you can trust. Look for a professional independent installer who has experience and certifications that demonstrate a commitment to quality and professionalism. In addition, a trusted contractor will recommend the right window style for your home’s specific requirements, rather than trying to sell you the most expensive product they can install as quickly as possible.


Sugar Land, Texas is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation. Its hot summers produce scorching UV rays that can cause windows to crack and leak. If you’re experiencing these telltale signs, you may be in need of replacement windows.

Aside from enhancing curb appeal and cutting down on high energy bills, new windows also boost a home’s insulation, preventing potential leaks and drafts during the winter or summer. But, which window styles are best for your home?

Sliding windows, which are commonly found in ranch-style homes, open horizontally rather than vertically. They are the perfect solution for tight spaces that need more ventilation. Renewal by Andersen offers single- or double-slider options, both of which are functionally identical. The only difference is the opening size, so the choice is really up to your personal preferences. Both are crafted with wood and Fibrex frames, so they’re as durable as they are stylish. They also feature mortise and tenon joints for a clean, uncluttered look.